I live in Hampshire, not far from James' native Bristol, a lovely place with a fantastic small airport which I have visited many times.  And just like Bogdan, I fell in love with Cornwall at first sight. So after all the hard times the pair went through in the first book in the series, I decided to at least give them a nice place to live.

I love travelling and it was during a cruise from Trieste that I discovered the unspoilt beauty of Croatia. During a visit to Ivo Grbic Gallery in central Dubrovnik, I learned about the siege and remembered those years in the 90's where we would often hear about the war raging at the southeastern fringes of Europe. How little have things changed that only 30 years later the bombs have now returned to Ukraine.

And so I wondered. Could something be done? Can an otherwise unknown person with no influence whatsoever stir some compassion in people's hearts by creating a few fictional characters, so that no refugee or immigrant ever has to go through what they did? I cannot stop a war, but maybe I can be the catalyst that makes the average Joe or Karen think again next time they see a foreign person in need. I'll let you be the judge of that.