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I hope you will find it useful to find out more about Bogdan, James, and the true life events that inspired me to write their story. A story that can, at times, be full of injustice, discrimination and struggle. But only to prove that anything can be overcome with hope, hard work and determination. Without forgetting the unrelentless love of those who are closest to us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired you to write this story?

During my first 4 years in Spain when I was 19-24, I struggled to find a sponsored job that would allow me access to a resident visa. Therefore, I resorted to staying illegally, sharing accommodation, and working with other immigrants and refugees, some of which were fleeing conflict or discrimination with the homophobic backdrop of the 90’s.

And it was through those experiences that I became particularly interested in capturing those unjust situations and the real people behind them.

What are your plans for this series?

My aim is to launch 'To Be Fair', the first book in the series, in late October 2024, followed by the second instalment called 'To Be Honest' which is currently undergoing its final edit and will be ready by April 2025. And depending how things go and if there is enough interest in continuing the series, I have plans to either continue with a third part or translate them into Spanish, my native language.

What are you hoping to achieve with your writing?

As a descendant of Lebanese migrants, I was deeply affected by the humanitarian crises in Syria and now Palestine. And after what happened with the UK Government's Rwanda plan, the inhumane treatment of Mexican children at the US border and the rise of the extreme right in Europe, particularly in Spain where they recently refused to accept unnaccompanied minors in certain regions, I feel overwhelmed by the worldwide situation which is becoming truly appalling.

That is why I fervently believe that only by bringing the plight of refugees and immigrants and their everyday reality into the spotlight will we educate and prevent the spread of racism and discrimination, which is so rampant in today’s society.

Do you have plans for other books and series?

My ambition as a child was to write a book with short stories based on the lives of my ancestors, who emigrated to Argentina between the 15th and 19th centuries in search of a better life.

Now as a twice emigrant myself and just shy of my 50th birthday, I feel closer to them and fully invested in bringing their mundane lives to the spotlight, while weaving in some popular culture and otherwise unknown world history events. After all, who else can proudly announce that their forebearers were contemporaries (and likely neighbours) of the likes of Pablo Picasso and Khalil Gibran? That they lived through the Italian reunification and took an active part in the colonisation of Argentina? Or that they were related to the founder and first president of Checoslovakia?

I also have another earlier novel and potential series that needs much work, but could see the light of day one day as well.

About the Author

A translator by profession, I left Argentina 28 years ago to live in Spain for 12 years, before moving to the UK with my British husband 16 years ago.
I am the result of a multicultural clash, with ancestors from over 6 different nationalities and 3 different religions. My biggest passion has always been writing stories and learning to speak foreign languages, history, art and experiencing different cultures.
I truly feel like a citizen of the world, and I love to travel to find out more about my roots and to inspire my stories.